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Hair Growth Vitamins

Thinning hair, poor hair growth, weak hair, male pattern balding or alopecia are all big concerns for women and men worldwide. It is important to address the root cause of these problems in order to see results and to find the best hair growth vitamins for you.

What Causes Thinning Hair and Hairloss?

The hair is more a reflection of your health history over the last 6-18 months than your current health status. With causes of hair loss ranging from systemic disease and autoimmune conditions to drug use, chemical exposure, chemotherapy, iron deficiency, fever, weight loss and severe emotional or physical stress, you need to consider the health history when diagnosing the cause of hair loss. Current hair loss, weak or brittle hair may be a result of a health issue that has since resolved but you are just seeing the impact now.

What Hair Growth Vitamins can Help me?

Probiotics, although not directly targeted at hair can be very effective as a hair growth vitamin and in improving the health of the hair. Our gut is host to billions of bacteria which help us to break down and absorb our nutrients from food. The addition of a probiotic can populate the gut with these friendly bacteria, therefore leading to better absorption of nutrients.

Biotin, a B vitamin which is crucial for the growth of hair, skin, and nails and is best used in conjunction with a B vitamin complex.

Essential fatty acids, in particular omega 3 are also important for hair growth and maintenance.

Iron, a mineral needed for oxygenation of the blood, is important for hair health. Iron is a mineral which can be just as bad in high doses as low doses so should be only taken if a blood test shows low levels.

Zinc, is an important mineral which is present in all of our cells and plays an important role in thyroid hormone production and cell renewal. Sluggish thyroid can slow the metabolism therefore leading to slow hair growth.

Saw Palmetto, is a herb which can block DDT, a hormone which has been shown to promote hair loss and male pattern balding and when used in conjunction with L-Lysine has an added effect on DHT. Lycopene also has DDT blocking properties.

Silica, is another important nutrient involved in the development and health of most human body processes. It also helps in the absorption and balance of many nutrients in the body. It is abundant in us from babies and like most things, declines with age so has been found to be an extremely beneficial supplement in helping with the health of the hair.

Vitamin C, Collagen surrounds the hair strands, but as we age collagen breaks down, causing hair to be more vulnerable to breaking. Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen making it a good hair growth vitamin to take or a plain collagen supplement can also give good results.

Rosemary Essential Oil, although not a hair growth vitamin has been traditionally used to increase circulation to the scalp.

MSM, helps to aid in the production of keratin (a protein in the hair) while also helping to strengthen hair follicles. A study carried out found 100 percent of people who supplemented with MSM showed reduced hair loss and increased growth in only six weeks.

In conclusion hair health can be caused by numerous factors and it can sometimes be best to find hair growth vitamins which include a combination of all the above nutrients to address as many aspects of the hair health as possible.

Vitamins for Skin

The skin is the largest organ of the body and for many people it is a massive area of concern. When we look at someone the first thing we see is their skin so it is no wonder many people wonder of different types of vitamins for skin, whatever their particular ailment may be, whether it be acne, anti ageing, sun damage, eczema, psoriasis or one of many other skin conditions.

What Vitamins for skin can I take to help with my skin?

Vitamin C: Vitamin C is the main vitamin involved in collagen production and we all know it is the destruction and lack of collagen that comes with age is what causes wrinkles and sagging skin.

Vitamin E: Vitamin E is probably the most famous vitamin for skin. It is an antioxidant and it has the ability to move into the fatty layers of the skin where it can offer massive protection from free radicals therefore helping protect the skin from the damaging effects of free radicals such as a lack of skin plumpness, wrinkles, dulling of the skin and a slower healing time for skin lesions.

Pine Bark Extract: Numerous studies have been done into pine bark extract and its effect on skin health. One studied 20 women over 12 weeks and found hydration and elasticity improved. Upregulation of hyaluronic acid and collagen synthesis were also found. Another study found Elevated COL1A1 by 29 percent and COL1A2 by 41 percent and increased hyaluronic acid production in the skin by 44 percent, Enhanced skin elasticity by 25 percent and skin hydration by 8 percent. It also decreased skin fatigue considerably and reduced skin wrinkles by 3 percent and increased skin smoothness by 6 percent.

Omega 3 fatty acids: One of the best dietary fats you can take for anti-ageing is Omega 3. High levels of Omega 3 have been shown to work on the phospholipid bilayer, helping it hold onto water, leading to moister, softer skin, and plumper skin cells mean a younger looking appearance. But that’s not all - a 2005 study found that EPA can block the release of enzymes caused by sun damage, boosting collagen and helping prevent lines and sagging skin. It also works on inflammation and hormonal balancing which can be a major factor in eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis and acne.

Coq10 is a major vitamin for skin and almost all creams you now see on the market have coq10 added to them. CoQ10 levels decrease as you get older. Indeed, most women over thirty have below optimum levels of CoQ10 in the skin. The lack of CoQ10 results in an impeded ability to produce collagen and elastin. Elastin gives your skin elasticity while collagen makes your skin firm. The loss of collagen and elastin causes your skin to wrinkle and sag. Coq10 is also a massive antioxidant which helps to neutralize the harmful free radicals that are destructive to the skin.