Back to School Support

The long-anticipated time has come, the kids going back to school, and with that comes most parents panic of how to boost their child’s immune systems and/or concentration levels to prepare for the year ahead. This year has added immune support panic among most parents with the current situation we are in. The right supplements can make a massive impact on preparing children and their bodies for this transition back to school life.

What Supplements Should my Child be Taking?

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is the most known and needed vitamin as we get it from the sun, which unfortunately in Ireland doesn’t be about too often, meaning most people in Ireland need to supplement. Its main function is to regulate the immune system and boost the immune fighting cells which help in the control and prevention of illnesses. It also increases the absorption of calcium from food, a big importance in growing children to support in the growth of their bones.


Probiotics also known as friendly bacteria are also a huge addition in a health regime of both adults and children alike. Our gut is host to trillions of bacteria, beneficial little guys which help to support the body in its defence against disease. It is estimated about 80% of the immune system actually resides in the gut. Good bacteria also help us to break down food more efficiently meaning we absorb more nutrients from these foods.


Many other vitamins and minerals are needed to help support the immune system such as vitamin c and zinc, and as we know children tend to be picky eaters so sometimes aren’t covering all their nutritional needs meaning a multivitamin can be very beneficial.

            These are the three most important supplements I would recommend most kids take on returning to school. If Some parents feel their child needs additional support either immune system wise or for concentration levels these can be supportive:


Elderberry is an herb used to boost the immune system in particular the respiratory tract. It is also anti-viral and anti-bacterial meaning it is a useful addition to prevent colds/flus.

Fish Oil

Fish oils can help cognitive function and improve concentration levels and has also been shown to improve memory retention in studies.